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Committed to sustainability

    Solaranlage auf dem Dach der Produktionshalle der Primcut AG

    Primcut AG produces according to high hygiene, food safety, and quality standards – and with Swiss values. Our business model, production facility, and products are all designed with sustainability in mind.

    high quality standard

    We train young professionals, create jobs, built our new facility with local craft businesses, and produce using solar power directly from our rooftop. Most importantly, our work creates numerous opportunities for more sustainable packaging solutions.

    Social Responsibility: Training with top graduation results

    We train tomorrow’s professionals in the field of certified packaging printing. This 3-year apprenticeship is highly practical. Packaging printers work with various materials, such as plastic and composite films, paper, or self-adhesive materials. They set up the printing presses, mix the colors, and oversee the entire printing process. These tasks are carried out on complex flexographic printing machines.

    Primcut offers one of the industry’s most modern training facilities. In 2022, our young talent received an award for the best apprenticeship completion.

    certified packaging printer at the graduation
    packaging printer award

    Resources/Region: New building made of wood

    The new building, where Primcut has been producing since 2019, is constructed from wood, a renewable resource. We have designed the layout to align with the production process and the requirements of the BRCGS Packaging Materials Global Standards, ensuring high efficiency and food safety. For the realization of the new building, we exclusively contracted local and regional craftsmen from Switzerland.

    new company building made of wood

    Energy: Solar power from the roof

    With approximately 4,000 m² of photovoltaic panels, SAK operates the largest solar installation in the Obertoggenburg region on the roof of Primcut AG. We directly use the majority of the generated electricity for our production operations and the manufacturing of packaging products such as banderoles, self-adhesive labels, and tubular bags.

    solar power from the roof

    Circular economy

    Packaging materials with less than 5% foreign content

    Primcut accompanies and supports the packaging and food industries in the necessary adjustments and innovations. B-Bundle is one of several innovations aimed at reducing resource consumption for packaging.

    B-Bundle – Packaging material without plastic

    B-Bundle is a packaging material innovation launched as a banderole line that complies with current EU regulations as well as the circular economy laws of France and Spain. Free from plastic and with a foreign content of less than 5%, B-Bundle meets all necessary criteria for sustainable packaging while ensuring high functionality.

    Partially coated paper with the category “monomaterial”

    Primcut also produces partially coated materials for paper packaging. For specific applications, a partially coated paper can be finished with a varnish layer only at the point where the banderole will be sealed. With a foreign content of less than 5%, this material can also be processed in the paper recycling process.


    Sustainability at Primcut

    • Training facility with apprenticeship opportunities
    • Long-standing employees
    • Long-term customer relationships
    • New wooden building constructed with local craftsmen
    • Photovoltaic system on the company roof
    • Innovative packaging solutions in accordance with EU regulations and circular economy laws
    • Recyclable banderoles with less than 5% foreign content
    • Recyclable packaging materials with less than 5% foreign content
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